– Qualitätsmanagement / Prozessmanagement
– Human Ressources
– Strategisches Marketing
Matthias Gärtner ist seit 2013 Berater für die strategische Entwicklung von Unternehmen in der Sozial- und Gesundheitsbranche mit besonderer Expertise im Qualitäts- und Prozessmanagement in Synthese mit Unternehmenscontrolling und Personalentwicklung. Er war u.a. Interims-Sanierungsgeschäftsführer einer Pflegeschule und Institutsleiter für Weiterbildungen in der Gesundheitsbranche, Projektleiter für intersektorale Versorgungskonzepte sowie Gründungsberater für Pflegeunternehmen.
– Magister Artium (M.A.)
o Strategische Organisationsentwicklung
o Wirtschafts- und Managementsoziologie
o Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie
– Qualitätsbeauftragter und Qualitätsmanager (ISO 9001, TQM)
– Qualitätsauditor (ISO 9001, ISO 19011, AZAV, ISO 17021)
– Qualitäts- und Umweltmanager (ISO 14001)
– Lehrgenehmigung zur Ausbildung von Medizinalfachberufen
– Dozent für Weiterbildungen PDL, WBL, HL, PA und QMB
– Gründung einer ambulanten Intensivpflege im ländlichen Raum
– Errichtung eines Z-QM für mehrere bundeslandübergreifende Niederlassungen
– Erweiterung eines ambulanten Dienstes zur teilstationären Einrichtung
– Interims-GF: Sanierung einer Altenpflegeschule und Überführung in eine Schule nach dem Pflegeberufegesetz (PflBG)
– Pilotprojekt Medizinstrategie: Konzeption einer kommunalübergreifenden intersektoralen Versorgung in Verbindung mit Prozessdigitalisierung
– Hochschuldozent im Fachbereich Qualitäts- und Prozessmanagement im Gesundheitswesen
– 3rd-party Lead-Auditor für integrierte Managementsysteme akkreditierter und unabhängiger Zertifizierungsstellen
Your full service human resources partner
We are your HR department for all things HR and your virtual on call resource for employees and management.
Your HR outsource resource for a particular HR function
Is there an area of HR that is taking too much of your time and holding you back from other important initiatives? Outsourcing a particular area (i.e. recruiting, on-boarding, benefits, administration) to us is a perfect way to get you back on track.
As with any of the services we provide, there are options. We can simply post your job openings and forward the resumes to you. If you need more assistance, we can help with as little or as much as you would like. Alternative HR can screen candidates, conduct interviews, check references, complete criminal background checks and/ or arrange for pre-employment testing, all on an hourly or per test basis.
Unlimited consulting by phone or email for you and your employees. Mandated federal and state poster updates, Free job postings on our site & job aggregators, Discounted rates for major job boards, HR forms & Discounted hourly rate.
A lot of small to mid-sized organizations typically have someone who is grandfathered into an HR role. Generally this person has several other duties and wears multiple hats, in some cases HR duties can fall on owners and executives of these size firms. HR Consulting can be a cost effective resource to make sure you are staying in compliance, keeping constant communication with employees, management and executives and give you the ability to carry out common and practice HR processes and solutions. Most importantly it offers your organization consistency in these policies and procedures which reduces your legal liability, improves culture/moral and overall communication within your organization. We allow you the opportunity to free yourself and other employees from the administrative burden that HR can pose to those that are better suited what they were hired to do and focusing on their main tasks to help the organization the way they were intended to.
Hire the right people, give them the tools they need to do their job and make them feel appreciated and valued. Communication is critical. Employees do NOT leave for money —- they leave because they do not feel engaged or respected.